Leif Castren


Plant community resilience after Volcán Chaitén: radical growth in disturbed soil

  • Project Proposal

    I propose to study ecological responses to volcanic disturbance from the 2008-9 eruptions of Volcán Chaitén in southern Chile. My research will focus on the interactions of colonizing plants with the heterogeneous post-eruption soil, investigating the mechanisms of survival and success through field data collection, greenhouse experimentation, and collaboration with an international team of volcano ecology scientists.

    While in Chile I will engage in the community through environmental education outreach with organizations such as Manos Verdes, contemplative practice communities such as Zen Valdivia, and mountaineers through local climbing gyms such as La Gruta. Additionally I hope to meet locals in Chaitén and discuss the impact of Chaitén’s eruptions and their impressions of Parqué Pumalín.

    Upon returning to the U.S. I hope to pursue an interdisciplinary graduate degree that allows me to pursue some combination of my interests in ecology, education, environmental justice, and religion with the intent of developing a deepened understanding of natural systems, the ability to communicate with diverse groups, and a spiritual maturity from which I can find the strength to speak and act upon my values and knowledge.

  • Proposal:

    Final Presentation: