Kate Cullen

Chilean Glaciers and the Hazard Their Retreat Poses

  • Project Proposal

    While studying in Santiago, I will investigate the vulnerability of Chilean glaciers and the hazard their retreat poses to surrounding populations, focusing specifically on Mocho Glacier. I will also evaluate effective policies and initiatives to adapt to climate change in Chile, specifically water scarcity from rapid glacier retreat.

    I’m working to become familiar with the local ecosystem of researchers, institutions and policy-makers and understand how water management decisions are made. By become familiar with the Andes regional context for glacier retreat, water scarcity and climate change adaptation my research will grow stronger and more complex.

    Final Report

    I’m currently focusing on data analysis, field work, and reading relevant literature towards the study. I’ll be presenting my research in November in Concepcion, Chile at the Chilean Geological Congress, which will offer a great opportunity to share my findings with colleagues.

    In pursuit of this study, I have published a few articles with non-profits and think tanks who have an interest in this type of work include: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (“As Andean Glaciers Retreat, So Does Regional Security”), the World Resources Institute (“4 Andean Cities Adapting to Glacier Retreat to Preserve Water Security”) and LatinAmericanScience.org (“Quenching Chile’s thirst: How interdisciplinary science is boosting resilience to climate change in Chile and beyond”). I’ve also started a personal blog called climate& where I reflect on these themes and synthesize them with my past environmental work and travels in other countries.

  • Proposal:
