Christina Bosch

Social Equity Through Inclusive Education: What Teachers in Chile Can Teach the Americas

  • Project Proposal

    Through my research, I will attempt to answer a single overarching research question: How do teacher knowledge and teacher attitudes affect inclusive education following implementation of the School Inclusion Law? I will implement a survey research design with mixed methods analysis of teacher responses (Weiss, 1998) using a translated version of the International Inclusion Survey (Krezmien & Linderkamp, 2014). I will use quantitative analyses with close ended items to understand measure teacher attitudes towards and self-reported knowledge of inclusive education to generate quantitative data.

    The Fulbright provides resources to build collaboration between researchers, school staff, and families during each phase of the project by refining our understanding of inclusive attitudes that exist in daily practice and areas for improvement through professional development. The School Inclusion Law is unique in the world and what we glean from its effect on practice will have practical and theoretical implications in the US, where inclusion happens with much confusion and strife. Through community venues, the internet and social media, publications, brown bag lunches at schools, I will draw on my experience both as a teacher, a learner, a researcher, and a cultural ambassador to meaningfully advance toward inclusion and educational equity on personal, practical, and professional levels.

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