Dominic Bednar

Modeling spatial disparities of residential efficiency, energy poverty, and firewood use

  • Project Proposal:

    Energy poverty is a multidimensional issue that plagues a household’s ability to engage in society due to lack of access to modern energy services. My project will examine the physical and social elements of residential energy poverty—energy efficiency and energy burdens within homes—in Santiago, Chile. This project explores how these elements are distributed across Santiago and the many climate zones across the country. For countries like Chile with multiple climate zones, understanding the impact of geographic influences—from the household to city levels—is vital for targeting remedial responses to energy poverty. Additionally, my project seeks to understand the relationship between energy burdens/energy efficiency and firewood use in the southern regions of Chile. This project develops geospatial statistical models to better understand how the energy poverty elements intersect with the specific populations affected. This research enriches energy poverty discourse to promote more effective policy development and programmatic responses. Moreover, this research contributes to Chile’s national energy accessibility goals and its international commitments to carbon reduction and climate change response.


  • Proposal:
