Emmaleah Jones:

Analysis of the Impact of Urban Morphology & Planning on the Disaster-Resilience of Cities

  • Project Proposal:

    In partnership with CIGIDEN researchers, I aim to analyze the impacts of urban form and the incidence of urban regulation on disaster preparedness and resilience. I propose a mixed-methods strategic case study set into two stages. The primary stage will take an urban morphological survey of specific communes in Santiago de Chile, analyzing spatial patterns, functions, and physical characteristics of the built environment, as well as the incidence of regulations and plans impacting urban form. The secondary phase of the research will survey the risks and vulnerability endemic to these communes through the context of past extreme events. The core purpose of this research is to contribute to the knowledge base for the dialectic of sustainable, resilient urban design and planning. This research employs an interdisciplinary, morphological approach to address the existing gaps in literature and to connect to a practical application in urban planning and design– a practice that I plan to pursue after the Fulbright award. I chose to undertake this project in Chile because of its unique position as an urbanized country with exposure to various kinds of extreme natural phenomena. Knowledge generated from this research can be translated to support urban resilience across the world..


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