Megan Baker

Insight on Collaborative Cross-Institutional Curricular Partnerships

  • Project Proposal:

    The proposed project/study will bring together faculty from University of Arizona’s Honor College and the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) in Viña del Mar, Chile to co-create and co-instruct two transnational undergraduate courses centered on a ‘big idea’ or ‘grand challenge’ central to humanity. Digital spaces and technologies will be used to bring faculty and undergraduate students together from the two universities to engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary peer learning activities. Research will be conducted throughout the curricular design and implementation process using qualitative methodologies (interviews, classroom observation, analysis of student work) and a quantitative pre-post assessment. This research will be the bulk of my dissertation work, and builds off two-years of preliminary research on curricular design and undergraduate interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Research will examine the pedagogical implications of this cross-institutional curricular model and inform the larger conversation on how higher education institutions can more effectively, and with the assistance of digital platforms/tools, embed transnational learning opportunities within the curricula. The proposed project will support my career plans of working in international higher education, specifically in the development of future transnational curricular partnerships between institutions of higher education, and particularly within the Latin America and South America regions.

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