Page McClean: “Conectividades the history and future of Chile’s southern highway”. Such is the title of her video conference presentation. In her video she explains why connectivity through out this country is socially so important and necessary in ordeer to connect the country regional and interregionally. She will be working in the farthest south región of O´Higgins from where she will begin measuring the impact of the Carretera Austral.


Josselyn Barahona: The effect of N-acetylcysteine on inflammatory responses. Basically it seems this could be one of the factors leading to alzheimers´ disease. How effective could substances that inhibit oxidation be to prevent it is part of the work she will be developing here.


Christina Bosch: Social Equity through inclusive education. This special educaction profesional maintains that access to education for everyone is not only a discourse to maintain now a days. It also means the need of complete inclusión at all levels in our society to fully attain social equity at all levels.


Karie Brown-Tess will study the Co-creation in Chilean mathematics teacher training. She defines her research as complex from the teacher´s perspective as it means qualifying the educator and digging further in the problems that students show individually in a classroom.


Kelsea Chatlosh will investigate “ Afro – Chilean women asserting black past, present and future in Chile”. As an anthropologist she will be based in Universidades Católica del Norte y de Tarapacá and will study activism groups in Arica and Parinacota.


Susan Massar will look into “Cattle in the trees: Silvopastoralism in Chilean Patagonia”. She grew up in a ranch in Montana and she is passionate about agricultura and agronomy. Based in Valdivia she will also travel through the chilean side of Patagonia keeping track of cattle raising there through remote sensing and use of satélite análisis. Pasture and climatization and local flora and fauna in Punta Arenas.


Genevieve de Kervor: will do a research study on Genetics and environmental control of developmental transitions. Regulation of Line 28 during Xenopus metamorphosis. Biological celular changes in anphybies and mammals, produced by methamorphosis in hormonal cells of frogs, for example.


Kai Parker will do investigative work around a Probabilistic Tsunami hazard assessment for Chile´s coastlines based at Universidad Santa Maria. Specialists maintain that it is almost impossible for a tsunami to occur twice in the same coastline. How erosion, flooding and being in a high teutonic área affects Chile´s tsunami predictibility.


Christopher Ruybal will be Assessing trends in Chilean groundwater storage. The quality of its groundwater, the vineyards, border coast mountains are sites for his investigation. He will be posted at Universidad de Concepción and will make use of satélites orbiting the Earth to accomplish his work.


Lauren Wiesebron will study the Dinamic trophic linkages between forage fish and zooplankton in northen Chilean Patagonia sector. She is a marine ecologist and will look into marine wildlife from the variaty of fish found in this coastline, to birds and even underwater vegetation.


Andrew Xia will look into Modeling fare evasion in the Santiago Bus Network. Around 28.5% of fare evasión is what authorities calculate may occur in public transportation in Santiago and drivers have no incentive in stopping this, as they do not gain a percentage of each ticket. Trans Santiago inspectors, on the other hand, are almost never seen around checking passengers´ tickets. Universidad de Chile will be Andrew´s main.


Natasha Reifenberg will be exploring Shifting attitudes and strategies towards gender based violence in Chile. Not many universities have clear standards against it, nor put forward sets of rules to prevent this problem . In 2018 some public protests came about, but with scarce results in terms of significant changes.


Clare Beer will dig into Nationalizing nature: Conservation, economy and Chile´s route of Parks Project. There is scarce political and practical worry around wild parks and their conservation in our country. The use of the land is in “no land”. Clare´s investigation will be digging around this problem, land conservation and the higher amount of land that is being sold to privates.